Data-driven carrier guidance

Insightful Career Guidance

Data-Driven Career Guidance

Learned Data Patterns

All time data based on students’ learning patterns and data-driven decisions are long overdue in the education industry. A righteous career guidance needs a strong presence of supportive, meaningful, and intelligent data. An intelligent data set with analysis of patterns spanning over the last few years about students’ everyday learning-related attributes makes a powerful platform for informed and confident decisions. For example, the patterns of interest and consistency in learning and the corresponding performance; these combined insightful data will significantly help with data for career guidance and better decisions about students’ education

Decide upon Career or education with the confidence

The maximum benefits of the digitization of education

Data is fuel for the Career Guidance

Learning Pattern Analytics

Hybrid learning ecosystem, Pathnam solves this long-standing challenge and overcomes the absence of meaningful data for career guidance. It is designed with an intelligent patterns trained to capture meaningful data around students learning and thus facilitates a data-driven analytical approach to getting the maximum benefits of the digitization of education.

In summary, Pathnam enables analytical, historical data about learning patterns  in combination with  performance patterns for guided decisions in education and career.

Learning pattern analytics
Pathnam a Learning Ecosystem

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