National education policy NEP2020
April 21, 2023

National Education Policy 2020

Technology Use and Integration: Clause 23.13

The salient points of “Technology Use and Integrations” clause 23.13 of National Education Policy 2020

National Education Policy

Key points

  • Data is a key fuel for AI-based technologies.
  • Other disruptive technologies that are expected to change the way we live and, therefore, change the way we educate students include those relating to clean and renewable energy, water conservation, sustainable farming, environmental preservation, and other green initiatives
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Data and data-driven decisions are long overdue in the education industry. A righteous  career counseling needs a strong presence of supportive, meaningful, and intelligent data. An intelligent data set with patterns spanning over the last few years about students’ learning-related attributes makes a powerful platform for decisions. For example, the patterns of interest and consistency in learning and performance;  these combined insightful data will significantly help with data for career counseling and better decisions about students’ education.

Pathnam hybrid learning ecosystem solves these data problems and is designed with the intelligent data-driven approach to getting the maximum benefits of digitization of education. Pathnam helps tech-savvy teachers to transform the student’s time on electronic gadgets into productive and creative use and enrich students’ knowledge in a structured and organized way. Pathnam captures, prepares, and provides the data as fuel for the best decision-making in education as well as career. In the Pathnam ecosystem, teachers, students, and parents constructively participate in the creative, innovative, and modern learning process and also ensure environmental conservation. Further, Patham also help to streamline the teaching and learning practices, on an ongoing manner. 

In summary, Pathnam enables analytical, historical data about learning and performance patterns for guided decisions in education and career.