hybrid-learning, NEP2020
Teacher and Motivator at Home. Pathnam considers the parents as one of the core members of students learning ecosystem.
May 3, 2023


Teacher and Motivator at Home

Pathnam considers the parents as one of the core members of students learning ecosystem. Parents’ involvement with their wards is extremely crucial to achieve learning objectives. Parents’ monitoring and guidance help students to focus and learn in an effective way and have been shown to play a significant part in student outcomes. A supportive parent at home affects the likelihood of success for all students.

National Education Policy

Key points

  • Monitors, in real-time, their ward's learning progress, from expected to actual, and compares it to class-average learning progress score. Parents can identify the need for learning corrective actions with their wards.

  • Operations
  • Gets access to Fee Schedules, gets fee due notification and alerts, pays a fee in just 30 sec, and get a receipt; can print receipt anytime.
  • Parents discuss the wards' learning-related points with teachers and the administration-related issues with the school administration. These communications are recorded and can be referred any point in time.
  • Get circular notifications and see all circulars.
  • Access students' time-tables and feedback

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Parents monitor, in real-time, their ward’s learning progress, from expected to actual, and compare it to class-average learning progress score. With Pathnam, parents have access to their student’s ongoing learning performance for each of their subjects. This includes the progress made, class schedule, work completion, and (if necessary) where they are falling behind and in need of support or intervention, parents intervene in a timely manner to support and assist – or to seek help from a member of staff – where needed. Parents are also privy to their students’ assessment schedules and can monitor work submissions to support teachers and mentors from home.

Pathnam also provides Parents with a clear understanding of their ward’s interests and curiosity levels in all subjects through a set of innovative features.  Parents have a view of their student’s queries in the discussion forums for curriculum content-related queries. They can see the discussion initiated by their ward and their participation in other discussions initiated by other students.

Parents will also know how good and deep is the participation of their ward in enhanced learning content shared by the teacher from time to time.

Parents have access to fee schedules and payment options where applicable and get notifications and reminders when the scheduled date is approaching. They can pay Fees using Pathnam, receiving receipts and a complete history of payments, and transaction details.