Student interacting with Teacher

Assessment Engine

Question Bank

Question Bank Enhances Summative Assessment

Our platform’s Question Bank is a comprehensive module of the assessment engine that provides a robust framework for summative assessment. Education policy emphasizes a shift towards understanding and critical thinking rather than rote learning, and the module helps achieve this in a summative assessment.

The Question Bank is a repository where educators can store, organize, and manage a wide array of summative assessment or test questions. It helps educators create summative assessment or test paper quickly and with the proper balance to evaluate understanding and critical thinking.

Diverse Set of Questions

The Question Bank module supports a wide array of question types, such as multiple-choice, true/false, true-n-false, sort-the-phrase, match-the-phrase, and short and long-answer questions.

Module supports a wide array of question types, such as multiple-choice, true/false, true-n-false, sort-the-phrase, match-the-phrase, and short and long-answer questions.

The Question Bank supports diverse questions that assess various skills and competencies, aligning with the goal of holistic and multidimensional student assessment.

The module also allows educators the flexibility to reuse questions asked in previous sessions and speed up the creation of test papers for various purposes, such as PT-1, PT-2, PT-3, half-yearly, final, prefinal, or for homework or assignments.

By using our module, educators can create summative assessment that are more aligned with the objectives of the education policy, ensuring that assessments are comprehensive, balanced, and focus on a broader range of student skills and knowledge.

Question Bank
Pathnam a Learning Ecosystem

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